Setting Goals & Celebrating Wins
Among the local community organizations I collaborate with on a regular basis is the Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship. I have been an invited speaker at their events on regular basis. For this conference, I was asked to present on Setting Goals & Celebrating Wins.
Too many times we as human beings unthinkingly accept stereotypical cultural roles. We try to “people please” for the pat on the head or the pat on the hand. We overwhelm ourselves with too much, too hard, too fast. We let the “should’s” drive our lives and simply add more stress to already over-burdened lives.
However, we can set goals and make life-affirming changes in our lives. We can do it effectively and with self-compassion. This presentation provides a high-level view of the Guiding Principles of Real Personal Change and a Five-Step Process for Goal Setting - a process that can be used by itself or as a way of strengthening approaches that you are already using. Please feel free to download this presentation for your personal use. If you would like more information, please reach out at: